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What does your inheritance look like?

Updated: Oct 4, 2021

My dream of writing a book has been realized! We are finalizing the final read through and making a few changes, then the book will be uploaded to Amazon and we will be ready to go live in the next few weeks!

What an amazing journey this has been!

As I read my book again, I fell more in love with my heavenly Father and his gracious goodness in my life. Time after time He answered prayers I prayed for my family and others. Acts 10:4 says that my prayers come up as a memorial before God. My prayers never die! And even though I still wait and claim the answers to prayers I have been praying, I never know when His timeless answer will re-enter the atmosphere of my life! This book will be a legacy I can leave to my children and their children. But there is something far more precious I want to leave.

Psalm 103:17-18 says, "But from eternity to eternity the Lord's faithful love is toward those who fear him, and his righteousness toward the grandchildren of those who keep his covenant, who remember to observe his precepts."

To know that even after I am no longer on this earth my prayers will continue to cover my children and their children and onward if the Lord tarries, is my greatest desire. I know that is why I feel such a deep desire to pursue God now. The world has me exhausted. I fight to spend intimate time with my Creator. Circumstances and distractions fight to crowd my mind.

Then I open the Word and God shows me He holds all dominion and power. He is sovereign. The noise of the world cannot define me. I can roll the stone of doubt and unbelief over my heart or I can believe God that, "... in him we have also received an inheritance, because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will." Ephesians 1:11 CBS

God has been giving inheritances for generations. In Hebrews 11, God told Abraham he would be the father of all nations. God called something into existence that did not exist.

Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was beyond child bearing years. Abraham did not know how he could be what God called him to be. But Abraham believed, hoping against hope. He wanted to glorify God. He was fully convinced what God had promised would happen. Because Abraham and Sarah obeyed God, they received their promised inheritance. I am excited for the opportunities God has waiting for me and am looking forward with expectation. I asked God to show me my inheritance just as he showed Abraham his inheritance.

I want to receive what God has for my life and am looking forward with expectation. God promised Abraham and God promises us! He is the same always! What does your inheritance look like? Ask God to reveal it to you!

From one man, Abraham, came offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and as innumerable as the grains of sand along the seashore. How much more will He do for you and I?

"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and set out for a place that he was going to receive as an inheritance. He went out, even though he did not know where he was going. ... For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. By faith even Sarah herself, when she was unable to have children, received power to conceive offspring, even though she was past the age, since she considered that the one who had promised was unfaithful. Therefore, from one man - in fact, from one as good as dead - came offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and as innumerable as the grains of sand along the seashore." Hebrews 11:8-12

Be Blessed!

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