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Hold on, He's closer than you think!

I had a dream I was hanging outside the door of a room. I was very high up and could not climb back into the room. I looked down and the ground was too far away for me to drop. I was waiting for someone to give me something to steady myself on so I could climb back into the room. It felt as if I was standing on a semblance of things that were not sturdy and kept moving. A person inside the room kept telling me to hold on. I kept asking him to pull me back inside.

I believe that person was encouraging me because they knew God had something better and it was not where I was trying to go.
I knew I was waiting on someone and it was not the person inside the room. I was just trying to give up too soon out of fear, anxiety and helplessness.
I looked over my shoulder and around a corner came a few men. I recognized one of the men. He was familiar to me and I knew this is who I had been waiting on. All I did was see Him and then I immediately looked down and whatever I had been standing on that had been so unsteady suddenly moved away. The ground that seemed to be miles below me was no longer far away, but close enough that I could let go of what I had been holding onto and dropped.
My feet planted firmly on the ground without a jolt or bending of the knees. There was such ease in my descent. I had no more fear.

My dream ended but I woke up knowing God was showing me I had to take my eyes off of fear and put them on Him. Only then would I see how close the ground was and that I was not alone, helpless and afraid, trying to climb back into a place He wanted to deliver me from.
I had been looking through my human eyes, trying to figure out how to stay wrapped up in the fear, anxiety and helplessness, when all I had to do was call on Him. When I finally saw Him, it was then that I let go of the fear and everything under my feet became steady. The helplessness and unsteadiness left and was replaced with courage to overcome what seemed like an endless abyss of uncertainty and overwhelming fear. My Heavenly Father gently placed my feet on solid ground and conquered my fear.
Never put a comma where God puts a period, and never put a period where God puts a comma. Courage is simply fear that has said its prayers.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
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